Proven AUV technology able to follow rugged seabed terrain 3-7m above seafloor and optimize data collection of seabed, both photo and other sensor data.
Cost efficient platform with small footprint developed for photomapping.

Proven solution that delivers true visualisation of the seabed in deep water and rugged terrain.

Low flying autonomenous underwater vehicle allows for clear pictures.
Developed for photomapping the seabed with focus on quality and cost effictives.

Sensor data
Ability to collect more accurate data regarding geolocation and size of mineral deposits.
Using the ability of the AUV in combination with new algorithms to analyze photos and data output from various sensors.
(Sonar, magnetic, chemical, electrical potential, temperatures etc..)

Ability to collect data and visual photo mapping including biology and ecology information. This can identify fragile enviroments.
Photomapping of seabed requires AUV/ROV to fly at a maximum speed of 2.0-3.0kts to allow the images to be clear.
Conventional torpedo shaped AUV made for large coverage of seabed area can not fly slow enough or low enough to get clear pictures of the seabed. This is especially challenging in rugged terrain.
Seabed Vision’s SEAVIS can fly from 0.0 kts and up to 2.0kts. SEAVIS can cover the same area as a conventional torpedo shaped AUV utilizing multiple AUVs the works together as a swarm, at a lower cost than 1 torpedo AUV.